H Rahal, MD

H Rahal, MD

Hair transplant surgeon

Achieving Excellent Hair Transplant Results

Dr. Hussain Rahal discusses how to achieve an excellent hair transplant result.
Below is a transcript of the hair transplant video for your reference.
"To achieve a great result with a patient, you have to have the ability to perform the hair transplant surgery at a high caliber. That could involve using the right equipment, the right type of tools, experience using these tools, a well trained staff. We have a team of 11 staff members, the majority have been with me for 11 years. This way, over the years, you've accumulated an extensive amount of experience. That's invaluable when you're doing a larger hair transplant session. It's something you can learn, study and go to meetings. But experience is what counts at the end of the day. We have an extensive quality control where the more experienced staff will teach the newer staff and so forth. This way, on the top of the pyramid is myself, where I'm always assuring quality control. And that's important because there's many steps in this procedure and with each step, if you can improve 20% in each part of the step and at the end of the day it's very accumulative. And the ability to do all that and put it all together will take many, many, many years to achieve and we have done that."