H Rahal, MD

H Rahal, MD

Hair transplant surgeon

Why Dr. Rahal Became a Hair Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Hussain Rahal discusses what drew him to getting involved in performing today's state of the art ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation.
Below is a transcript of the hair transplant video for your reference.
"What drew me to hair transplantation does combine the art and the science. The physicians who are performing cosmetic type of surgery and hair transplants are, we all have a bit of an artist inside us. So you are in a way creating art as well as, we all went into medicine because we love science and surgery. It's a perfect fit because you're combining the science and the basic sciences and surgical, and medical. And then you're combining art and altogether, it's a great field to be able to do that. At the same time, you do develop a relationship with the patients over a long period of time. And for me personally, and for many other physicians, there's a certain satisfaction that you could take from having transformation of a patient from one end of the spectrum at the beginning to a full head of hair or something that's really changing for them. To me that's gratifying and satisfactory."