Dr. Timothy Carman

Dr. Timothy Carman

Hair transplant surgeon

Hair transplantion surgical procedure before and after result photos with 3106 grafts

Procedure detail

Our hair restoration patient is a 38 year old male who presents with a loss of his frontal hairline,
temporal points, and crown, with advanced thinning in the frontal forelock. His
goals are primarily to reconstruct the hairline, add density to the frontal
forelock area, AND "put a little back there in the crown too doc-". We obtained
and placed 3,106 FU grafts: 1281 one's; 1540 two's; and 285 3's. Graft
distribution was weighted about 3/4 to the anterior (FF) scalp and 1/4 to the
posterior (crown) area. Strip donor area closed tricophytically. The patient
returns at one year for FU. He has scheduled for a second surgery to concentrate
on the crown area next.

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Front view - Before and after

3106 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after pictures.

Before and after hair transplant procedure images

using 3106 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

with 3106 grafts displayed from the left, viewing preoperative and postoperative photographs.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

Hair transplant procedure with 3106 grafts displayed from the right, viewing before and after images.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

Hair transplant session using 3106 grafts displaying before and after photos, viewed from the back / crown.

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures

Hair transplant procedure using 3106 grafts displaying the patient’s donor area immediate postoperative and his residual donor area scar one year postoperative.