Most hair loss sufferers can benefit from hair transplants. However, some are better candidates than others and will achieve more dramatic results.
Different Patients Achieve Different End Results

It is important to have realistic expectations and to find a hair transplant surgeon who can meet or exceed your expectations.
Surgical hair restoration is largely a matter of "Supply and Demand".

The look you can and will achieve with hair transplants is determined by several factors. But the most critical factor is really a question of "supply and demand".
The supply of hair is how much viable bald resistant donor hair you have. The demand is how much bald area you want to cover and to what degree of thickness.
Your “Donor Hair” determines what you can achieve.
For virtually all hair loss sufferers, even those with severe baldness, there is typically hair that grows for life on the sides and back of the head. This is because the hair in this "donor area" is genetically different from the hair on the top of the head in people who go bald.
The hair follicles in the "donor area" are genetically resistant to the effects of such baldness causing hormones as (DHT) dihydrotestosterone. That's why they continue to grow, while the hair on the top (in the male pattern baldness area) thins and goes bald over time.
How much viable donor hair you have will largely determine how much you can accomplish with hair transplants. Most people have enough viable donor hair to do at least one or two hair transplant procedures.